Saturday, December 28, 2019
The Battle Of The Cold War - 2612 Words
No event in history has caused more debate among academics than that of the origins of the Cold War. The Cold War was a result of the United States and the Soviets unable to accept the others ideological vision for their country and how it would benefit the world. This war was security based and ideology fixated on proving why each side was right. What came from this was a clash of competing historiographical views of an orthodox and revisionist approach. Orthodox views, including that of John Gaddis, hold the Soviet Union responsible due Stalin’s want to expand communism/ Soviet influence. By violating the Yalta agreement, the United States had no choice but to take this violation as an attack that threaten the West and would do anything necessary to contain Stalin. Disagreeing with Orthodox views has led to Revisionists including Walter LaFeber, to contend that it was actually the United States through their policies and want of economic hegemony that led to the breakdown of the USSR/USA alliance and therefore contributed to the start of the Cold War. What Orthodox and Revisionist interpretations highlight is that there are two sides to every story and it is impossible to discredit one without discrediting the other. Evidence proves that while both the United States and the Soviet Union are to blame for the start of the Cold War and therefore the theory that best fits the available evidence comes from the Revisionist interpretation. A week before President Roosevelt diedShow MoreRelatedThe Battle Of The Cold War955 Words  | 4 PagesWorld War II between the United States and the Soviet Union came a time period full of mistrust and deceit. By the end of the Second World War, the United States and the Soviet Union became increasingly suspicious of one another, and their relations resulted in being unstable. This evident yet rising political and military tension between the two world powers has come to be known as the Cold War. Both the Yalta Conference, which saw a rise in disagreements between the two, and the Korean War, theRead MoreThe Battle Of The Cold War1450 Words  | 6 PagesThe battle in ideologies between communism and capitalism lead to one of the greatest conflicts of the twentieth century. The concept that freedom and democracy would not survive under communist rule triggered a battle that could endure for decades. American media significantly impacted the attitudes of Americans, creating a hatred of communism to spread throughout the nation. The political relations in Europe, during and directly after World War II, played a large part in laying the foundationRead MoreThe Battle Of The Cold War1526 Words  | 7 Pagescoattails of the unresolved issues between them, a battle-less conflict began as a result of a strictly civil alliance turning sour with the defeat of a common enemy. In the aftermath of World War II, great powers from the West and the East were thrown into a state of military and political tension. These opposing nations strived to ruin each other through increasingly obvious competition in STEM that could improve the human condition. Not only did the Cold War involve competition in the advancement ofRead MoreThe Battle Of The Cold War1493 Words  | 6 Pages A popular military aphorism stated by Earnest Hemmingway was, â€Å"Once we have a war there is only one thing to do. It must be won. For defeat brings worse things than any that can ever happen in war.†With the ongoing troubles of the Cold War and rising tension along the 38th Parallel that split the once nation of Korea in two, this statement will become imminent. Through basic principles of leadership exhibited by General Douglass MacArthur to take a chance at a dynamic or what some may leanRead MoreThe Battle Of The Cold War742 Words  | 3 PagesDear John, It wasn t my fault, it was too late for him and there was nothing anyone could do to help him. It happened in the early hours of the morning, the sun slowly stretching and awakening from its own peaceful slumber but couldn t get its bright rays past the army of clouds that stood guard over the land. Our broken bodies leaning against the trench wall, our soggy backs slowly sinking into the disgusting, dark and dingy mud. The sound of the raindrops smacking the floor of our trench andRead MoreThe Battle Of The Cold War958 Words  | 4 Pagesabout the Cold War amidst research, it all hit me, this war draws its beginning and end from an extremely similar yet reciprocal process. The means through which the war ended were based strongly around the Power of the United States and the USSR. Only through the loss of power by either nation could the war hope to come to an end, and to that end, came my full understanding of how everything came full circle. In this paper, I will illustrate the Irony behind the birth and end of the Cold War, as wellRead MoreThe Battle Of The Cold War Essay1507 Words  | 7 Pagesenemies after the war. It was not the first time that the Soviets and the Americans found themselves on opposite sides. The communist revolution led by Lenin and Trotsky was the first instance of belligerence between communism and capitalism, and it started when the United States dispatched troops to Siberia with the mission of fighting Bolshevik revolutionaries (Borch 1998, 181). Ideological differences have been at the center of many conflicts throughout history, and the Cold War was no exemptionRead MoreThe Battle Of The Cold War1221 Words  | 5 Pagesa nation to change. Fresh off of the economic and political victory that was World War II for the United States, The Soviet Union sent a challenge to the U.S that set up one of the biggest, and potentially apocalyptic stand-offs in history. The Cold War, the great stand off between the Americans and the Sov iets lasted from 1947 to about 1991 according to Major Problems in American History Since 1945. This Cold War would change the culture in the United States forever, stamping it’s air of alertnessRead MoreThe Battle Of The Cold War2072 Words  | 9 Pagesending of the Cold War, which significantly ended any nuclear threats that the Soviet Union had shown, and by helping the Soviet Union in throes of their revolution and the freedom promises he influenced, contributed to Reagan’s legacy as an intellectual, persuasive, and important leader to the end of the Cold War. HISTORICAL CONTEXT The dropping of the atomic bomb in Japan from America ended World War II, but it started what would become another war. This war was known as the Cold War, and it beganRead MoreThe Battle Of The War On The State, And Post Cold War3796 Words  | 16 PagesIntroduction: Ever since the Napoleonic Wars, war was a concept that was considered to be under the purview of the State, however this belief is inherently wrong. In all of history, warfare has been engaged by private actors as opposed to the State. In fact, the State as the dominant actor in warfare should be understood as the exception, rather than the norm. Even though the State has not been the dominant actor in warfare, there were certainly multiple attempts by the State to control, or have
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Use of Immorality in Order to Achieve Popular Rule Essay
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Throughout The Prince and The Discourses of Livy, Niccolo Machiavelli demonstrates multiple theories and advocacies as to why popular rule is important to the success of a state. Popular rule is a term that will be used to define an indirect way to govern the people of a state. In order to rule the masses, a leader must please the people or revolts will occur, causing mayhem and a lack of stability in oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s state. During both written works, Machiavelli stresses the importance of obedience and order needed for a state, and especially for a leader to be successful. Machiavelli thoroughly states that anything and everything must be done to keep the peace of the masses, even if acts of immorality are used.†¦show more content†¦In the bigger picture, it is more moral to prevent disorder to a community and keep it obedient and prosperous than to let it fall to disorder and tyranny. Therefore, the acts of immorality that a ruler does to acc omplish this are justifiable means to the more important end of securing power to maintain order. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Machiavelli is a supporter of popular rule, though in an indirect way. Rulers must please their constituents but not give them power. For if the people feel they have power they will rebel against their leader and cause chaos in the state. On page 96 Machiavelli states, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“it is the populace who are responsible for innumerable conflicts and clashes in a republic.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? Because it is difficult to satisfy the majority without upsetting the minority, people become enraged and protest, causing what the government would consider to be conflicts. That is why it is so important to create a strong government that revolves around a magistrate or council, for people fear being publicly accused of faults, let alone as a threat to public liberty. Machiavelli states that there is no authority more à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“useful and necessaryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? for leaders of a government to employ upon their citizens. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“[Citizens] for fear of being accus ed, dare not attempt to do anything that mightShow MoreRelatedMachiavelli s A Comparison Of Ideals748 Words  | 3 PagesGovernment is the system of rule a state, community, or nation is governed by. This means, A body of people decide to sacrifice some individual rights in order to receive the bxelifits of a larger power. There are two main purposes of government. One, the protection of the people, from outer conflicts and themselves (by enforcing law). Two, to provide public good. Public good being an item or commodity that is available to the entire population without it being lessened buy use. Government also has theRead MoreThe Republic, By Plato2826 Words  | 12 Pagesto rule because they are able to grasp the theory of the forms, which allows them to make rational decisions without being corrupted by the irrational. I am heavily persuaded by Socrates’ stance on the philosopher king, as I too believe that the attainment of true knowledge is the essential foundati on of being an effective ruler; only the forms qualify as true knowledge, therefore solely those who acquire knowledge of the forms, and are necessarily deemed as philosophers, are capable to rule. Read MoreCompromise in the Pre-Civil War Era APUSH DBQ2135 Words  | 9 Pagesï » ¿ Ever since declaring its independence from Britain, America has developed on the foundation of compromise. Upon the drafting of the Constitution, the Founding Fathers were succumbed to compromise in order to incorporate the needs of the different parts of the nation. During the early eighteenth century, Americans achieved reconciliation of political disputes, predominately between the North and the South, through compromise. By 1860 this was no longer feasible and the nation was faced with dishearteningRead MoreBuddhism and the seven dimensions2538 Words  | 11 Pagesdifferent beliefs and values have been formulated with the aim of explaining this age-old question. Most of these beliefs are prevalent today in the form of institutionalised religions. In order to gain an understanding of the word religion, we need to fully analyse and compare the components of religions in order to gain a more cultivated understanding of this enigmatic term. 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Turing responds to Lady Lovelace’s contention that a machine â€Å"can do whatever we know how to order it to perform†(qtd Turing 56), with the defense that even humans are unable to produce truly original work. He then proposes that a â€Å"better variant of the objection says that a machine can never ‘take us by surprise’†(56). It seems here that TuringRead MoreSSD2 Module 4 Notes Essay28478 Words  | 114 Pagesfundamentally wrongâ€â€abrogation of human rights, for exampleâ€â€may require us to impose our outsiders ethical standards on locals behavior. Read materials from the TRADOC Culture Center (like Smartbooks and online trainings), published ethnographies, and popular media of the area; Ask locals already available to you on the FOB, such as interpreters, or culture experts around you, as well as people you meet on patrols; Look at the behavior of locals in markets, on the roads, in meetings on post; Listen toRead MoreRise of the English Novel5132 Words  | 21 Pagesdramatically. A wide variety of characters and settings began to be used like â€Å"a man on an island, a servant-girl under siege, or a solitary eccentric oddly recapturing his prenatal past†(Longman 3067) Another characteristic of the novel is the use of ordinary names for people instead of symbolic names. For years writers gave characters names that made references to mythology or contained some type of description of the person. Keeping with the idea of representing real life, novelists brokeRead MoreMacbeth9435 Words  | 38 Pages------------------------------------------------- Macbeth From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about Shakespeare s play. For other uses, see Macbeth (disambiguation). A poster for a c. 1884 American production ofMacbeth, starring Thomas W. Keene. Depicted, counter clockwise from top-left, are: Macbeth and Banquo meet the witches; just after the murder ofDuncan; Banquo s ghost; Macbeth duels Macduff; and Macbeth. Macbeth is a play written by William Shakespeare. It is consideredRead MoreSolaire Resort and Casino4555 Words  | 19 Pages 8. Conclusion †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 23 9. Reference †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 24 1. Abstract The interesting mixed use Integrated Resort (IR) development model provides various accommodation experiences, sports and entertainment activities, security as well as a lifestyle living experience, it also provides the developers and investors a bright opportunity to attract
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Account and Auditing International Telecommunication
Question: Describe about the Account and Auditing for International Telecommunication. Answer: 1. A business is synonymous to several risks and inherent risk is a risk that exists because of the existence of a business. In simple words, such risks will be present in a business, no matter what type of a business it is. Furthermore, these are not detectable even after employing proper audit procedures and other control programs. Such risks are diminishable to a very few extent and not on a large scale. OneTel Ltd, an international telecommunication company, provides a broad variety of integrated goods and services all over the globe. The company highly relies on effective technology and innovation to provide services to its customers. Initially, the company was a leader player throughout Australia but as and when other network providers joined the industry, competition grew on a very large scale. Hence, when such smaller companies joined the industry, communication services and call prices became cheaper. In other words, competitive prices started ruling the telecommunication industry and more amount of competition resulted into more competitive prices and telephony services in the industry. Besides, such competition also resulted in the decline of market shares of OneTel Ltd (Gaylord, 2001). The factors that would have resulted in the assessment of inherent risks in financial reporting are: As per the companys financial statements, the shares were issuable in the open market. This is evident from the case when the shares rose from $355.6 million in 1999 to $1225.6 in the year 2000. In relation to the same, it is observable that inherent risks will prevail especially when heavy investments and transactions are associated. Although the system of dematerialization has facilitated in simplifying the control processes, still it fails to diminish inherent risks because of huge transactions and the complexities associated to money receipt, share allotment, and complete share issue system. Therefore, the process necessitates an enhanced assessment of inherent risk (Jones Hensher, 2007). As per the cash flow statement of the company, it is evident that a license transaction procured by the company in the year 2000. Furthermore, capitalization, license acquiring, amortization, and maintenance of these are a very huge procedure. In other words, an enhanced financial planning and assessment is highly needed. This also facilitates a necessity of higher assessment of inherent risk. Valuation of intangibles and their expenses are examples of some computations that require intercession of management. However, since these transactions are prone to frauds and errors, measures of risk mitigation and due care is highly needed. Therefore, as per the financial statements, the company acquires several advances and loans and as these are prone to frauds and errors, proper assessment of inherent risk becomes crucial. The company has also taken borrowings that necessitate the process of inherent risk assessment. Abnormal items in financial statements necessitate assessment of inherent risks in place so that mitigation can minimize their impacts. The company possesses heavy accumulated losses both at consolidated financial statement and entity stages. The maintenance and calculation of these losses is very complex that necessitate management intercession. An enhancement in the value of the companys fixed assets is also evident, that signifies more purchase of fixed assets only by the management. In other words, discretion of management is evident operates in such a case. Hence, this highly requires proper assessment of inherent risk in place. Furthermore, strategic risks are vital to a business functioning and require care and attention regularly. Due to inappropriate decision-making or failure to implement relevant plans, such risks arise. Planning risks like share issue, acquiring of license, and shares are identifiable at the level of strategic risk evaluation. Risks from the higher level are re-assessable in the subordinate stages in the viewpoint of control risks and inherent risks. 2. As inherent risk is all about judgements, the judgement of individuals is highly relatable with the measure of risk. Control and detection risks are surpassable but what remains is that the judgement and managements far-sightedness is very necessary for inherent risks. Such risks will prevail in the system irrespective of the strategy of risk management. However, the effects of inherent risks are highly reliable on several factors that are: The most significant factor that plays a role towards increase in inherent risks is the presence of a huge network of different companies. In other words, the presence of such huge company network comprising of associates, subsidiaries, partnerships, joint ventures, holdings etc highly contribute towards an enhancement in inherent risks (Makela Makela, 2009). Besides, the chances of risks are higher given such huge network of companies. As and when complexity within the management increases, abilities of the management to prevent inherent risks within the company also decrease. Non-routine activities, abnormal items, and transactions play a key role in adding towards an enhancement in inherent risks. Abnormal activities or items necessitate adjustments and speculative activities that summons inherent risks. Furthermore, due to the managements subjectivity, any kind of transaction that requires ideas and forecasts are exposable to inherent risks (Mak et. al, 2005). In other words, measurement and management of events and transactions in the company necessitate ideas and estimates that cannot always hold beneficial for the company. Another factor that facilitates towards an enhancement in inherent risk is related party transactions. This is due to the managements subjectivity towards a transaction. Probable violations of debt covenants also play a role towards inherent risk enhancement. In the given case of OneTel, heavy loans are taken by the company and all come with debt covenants. Contravention of a companys debt covenant can also result in consequential outcomes. Repayment of such loans together with their interest is not an easy task and a significant risk of the managements countermand always exists. If the management exaggerates in its activity, the risk can never be discoverable or detectable. Therefore, more strong is the audit team within a company, the fragile are the risks. Moreover, the insufficiency of audit team also plays a major role towards such inherent risks in business. If an audit team is highly incompetent, then this factor also contributes towards inherent risks (Roach, 2010). Therefore , expertise, knowledge, and professionalism of audit personnel are a further requirement that detects and mitigates risks. 3. A business starts with a motive that it will assist in attaining huge revenues and will continue for an indefinite time. Therefore, any business activity that can upset this motive requires sudden action against it. The most relevant assumption of accounting is that a business must operate for an indefinite period and that too, in the most effective way. Besides, any type of event, decision, and transaction that can destroy such assumption is highly necessary to create highlight. Even the investors and other stakeholders of a company expect the business to earn consistent revenues and operate for an infinite time (Messier Emby, 2005). Any petty activity that can hamper the above-mentioned needs must be given due consideration because this relies on the expectation of not only the management but also the stakeholders of the company. It is crucial for the auditors and directors of the company to scrutinize these impacts through evaluation of going concern assumption. Sudden or unspecific financial crisis is far beyond any control but the prevalence of controlled measures is effective to prevent such a situation (Gay Simnet, 2015). The factors that can hamper the assumption of going concern are failure to repay major debts, loss or withdrawal of KPI (Key managerial personnel) without replacement, signs of removal of credit assistance, inability to fulfill covenants of creditors, incapability to encounter competition, regular destruction of the companys assets resulting into losses etc. All of these factors can result into potential erosion of the companys finance, and its goodwill, thereby affecting the assumption o f going concern within the company. In order to get rid of such a circumstance, it is the managements duty to provide a keen interest towards the company so that frauds and errors are detectable. Some of the factors are obviously under the control of the management in such a situation but there are also factors that are far beyond the reach of the management (Livne, 2015). Immediate variations in inclinations, introduction of new goods into the market resulting into the companys failure to survive effectively, natural calamities beyond human control, immediate failure, or destruction in market etc are few situations that play a key role in affecting the assumption of going concern of a company. However, it is notable that such a company does not have any potential control over these factors (Kedia Philippon, 2006). Hence, there needs to be a framework that can depict to the management the seriousness of the situation and how rapidly it needs to be resolved. Therefore, an effective sign of medium, high, and low are very supportive to judge whether the situation is perfectly manageable by the management or not. These signs also help in judging whether the circumstances are grave or non-grave in nature so that the management can take a rapid action. Such strategies are also employable by most of the companies worldwide because it assists in understanding the aggregate situation of the organization (Parker et. al, 2011). References Gay, G Simnet, R 2015, Auditing and Assurance Services, McGraw Hill Gaylord, B 2001, Liquidation of One.Tel of Australia Is Outlined, viewed 24 September 2016 Jones, S. Hensher, D. 2007, Modelling Corporate Failure: A Multinomial Nested Logit Analysis for Unordered Outcomes, The British Accounting Review, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 89-107. Kedia, S. Philippon, T. 2006, The Economics of Fraudulent Accounting, Rutgers University, USA. Livne, G 2015, Threats to Auditor Independence and Possible Remedies, viewed 24 September 2016, Mak, T., Deo, H. Cooper, K. 2005, Australias Major Corporate Collapse: Health International Holdings (HIH) Insurance May the Force Be with You, Journal of American Academy of Business, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 104-12. Makela, H Nasi, S 2009, Social Responsibilities of MNCs in Downsizing Operations: A Finnish Forest Sector Case Analysed from the Stakeholder, Social Contract and Legitimacy Theory Point of View, Accounting, Auditing Accountability Journal, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 149-74. Messier, W Emby, C 2005, Auditing Assurance Services: A systematic approach, McGraw-Hill. Parker, L, Guthrie, J Linacre, S 2011, The relationship between academic accounting research and professional practice, Accounting, Auditing Accountability Journal, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 5-14. Roach, L 2010, Auditor Liability: Liability Limitation Agreements, Pearson.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Kentucky Fried Chicken and global fast-food industry Essay Example
Kentucky Fried Chicken and global fast-food industry Paper KFC is a growing company that always tries to expand its business size, by the year 2000, the number of restaurant established outside US, where KFCs headquarter resided, accounted 50% of its total restaurants. Expansion strategy of KFC followed the classic internationalization strategy, which is characterised by (1) expand first to nearest countries (market) from the KFCs headquarter in US, then (2) as those markets grow, gradually expand into farther markets. This strategy was apparently applied by KFC to maintain the control over its restaurants in another countries while learning, and preparing for further expansion in the future. This strategy apparently has the advantage of ease of control; according to KFC management, the nearer the country of expansion, the easier the control. Although this idea is sounds good to hear, it also implies the weakness of KFC management, the lack of communication ability; because of this weakness, KFC was afraid of losing the control over its subsidiaries and franchises restaurants. However, this fear is not relevant in this internet age; the fast growing capability of internet makes it easier and easier for managers around the world to communicate and thus, control their subordinates in any other parts of the world. We will write a custom essay sample on Kentucky Fried Chicken and global fast-food industry specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Kentucky Fried Chicken and global fast-food industry specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Kentucky Fried Chicken and global fast-food industry specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Another strategy is to establish new smaller headquarters in the region of expansion; for example one headquarter can be established in Latin America or in Asian to control the subsidiaries in the region. This smaller headquarters are, of course, under the direction of KFCs main headquarter in Kentucky, United States; their primary responsibility is to manage and control both KFCs company-owned and franchise restaurant. This strategy, I believe, will narrowing the width of span control by the KFCs management in the main headquarters, thus in the in will ease the control task conducted. The implementation of the latter strategy must also consider the financial position of the KFC company itself; one time KFC had a difficult periods where it had to closed its restaurants in Brazil because it lacked the cash flow needed to support an expansion program in that market. However, this strategy will show its result in long-term periods, thus, considering this matter and opportunities for expansion, I argue that KFC must first focus its resources to defend its market position in the countries where KFC had already gained superior brand preference such as in some Latin America and Asian counties. Failure to defend its market because of too much focusing in early entry strategy, will expose KFC to the risk that the existing market will slip away, while the new markets are doubt-able successful. The international markets, though attractive, were also exposing some risks, including political risks, economic risks, competitive risks, and behavioural risk; beside those external risks, KFC were also exposed to the internal financial risk since there were some periods where KFC lacked the financial cash flow needed for expansion. A strategy had already launched to counter the behavioural risk (risk implied from control over the franchise operations); in Mexico for example, KFC had eliminated all of its franchises and operated only company-owned restaurants, which enabled it to better control quality, service, and restaurants cleanliness. Unfortunately, there are no further explanation in the case about KFCs strategy to offset the other risks. Therefore, herewith I suggest that some other strategy should also be crafted in order to reduce the risk. For the time sake, I will limit the discussion of my recommendation only on strategy that I believe, in the long run, has the major impact towards KFC business, the competitive risks. This risk includes the risk derived from rivalry among competitors, new market entrants and new product innovations. KFCs main business is to sell chicken, this product was actually already become a traditional dish for some part of the world, and even some culinary expertise, in just a matter of time, will probably invent a new recipe that able to compete the taste of KFC fried chicken and wrote books on it. Consumers will buy the books, and make the fried chicken ala KFC by their own, they will not need to go outside, wait for the queue, and to pay more on something that actually they can make. Therefore there is a big chance that consumer will find out that KFC fried chicken is no longer a special menu. The concept of KFCs original recipe, in my opinion, is only a matter of time before the costumer become bored and leaves the KFC. The key buzzword for overcoming this risk is differentiation and develop a sustainable competitive advantage based on the differentiation. The strategy would have to include product differentiation, KFC should invent a secret recipe that exceeds the taste of any other ordinary chicken and the most important keeping on inventing, to keep up with changing costumer tastes. This strategy requires KFC to pay more focus on its RD division for invention, and marketing as a means of communicating the differentiation, and of course, secure its trade-secret as tight as possible. When the product differentiation does not act as a major source of attractiveness any longer, KFC should move on to another differentiation, the service differentiation, and/or distribution differentiation. For example: provide a service that can bind costumers in a long term relationship, such as establishing KFCs costumer clubs, or even online order-taking; a distribution differentiation can be achieved through, for example distributions via sales agents, such as satay seller in Indonesia; they will fry the chicken directly on costumer order, in front of the costumer itself. To reduce the risk of cannibalism, these agents are hired and managed under one or group of franchise restaurants in one local area.
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