Tuesday, May 26, 2020
South Africa s Independence As A Country Essay - 1064 Words
From the 17th century until the early 1900’s, European countries were fighting to get tracks of land across Africa. Although South Africa was unified by Great Britain in 1910, the African National Congress was formed two years later. It was only on Dec 11, 1931 after World War II when Britain gave South Africa its’ independence as a country. For the first sixty years after South Africa was claimed independent, white minority rulers dominated the country. South Africa is now an independent Nation but is still a member of the British Commonwealth. The country has 9 Provinces, each with its own government with a provincial legislature, premier and executive council. Each province is different in its own way with unique landscapes, populations, economies, and climates. Before 1994, South Africa had only four Provinces and those four provinces were divided into racial and language groups. In the North Eastern part is mostly populated with the farmers (called Boer) republica n and the South Western parts is where the British colonies lived. During the Apartheid there were â€Å"homelands.†These were provinces made for the black South Africans and they were forced to live there. After the Apartheid ended in 1994, South Africa was left with eleven official national languages (Businesstech, 2016). The largest faiths practiced in South Africa are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, traditional African religions, and Judaism. Most of these religions were brought over though European andShow MoreRelatedThe Civil Rights Movement, Woodstock, Vietnam War, And South Africa853 Words  | 4 PagesWho knew how powerful the 1960’s would be? You had the civil rights movement, Woodstock, Vietnam War, and an explosion in rock and roll, as well as soul? Exactly, and that’s just in America. In Africa, countries were gaining freedom and independence. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
Womens Rights Unification of Pro-Life and Pro-Choice...
Abortion and Womens Rights: Unification of Pro-Life and Pro-Choice through Feminism January 22, 1973 is a day that, in the eyes of many modern feminists, marked a giant step forward for womens rights. On this date the U.S. Supreme court announced its decision in Roe v. Wade, a verdict that set the precedent for all abortion cases that followed. For the first time, the court recognized that the constitutional right to privacy is broad enough to encompass a womans decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy (Roe v. Wade, 1973). It gave women agency in their reproductive choices; no longer were they forced to succumb to second rate citizenship as a housewife, a single mother, or a mother in poverty on account of pregnancy.†¦show more content†¦It is important, to further womens standing in todays society, that these two sides on the abortion debate become united through feminism. Feminism is the advocacy of the rights of women based on the theory of equality of the sexes (Oxford English Dictionary). It is built on the principle that women have innate worth, inalienable rights, and valuable ideas and talents to contribute to society. Feminists fight for equality in every dimension of society, for both equal rights with men and equal respect. Pro-choice feminism views the right to an abortion as integral to a womens right to sovereignty. Without abortion, women would unjustly be forced into motherhood. From a feminist standpoint, denying the right for women to choose to have an abortion forces them into submissive roles in society. Pregnancy works to condemn women to second class citizenship, since in our society, mothers are second class citizens. Once a woman becomes a mother, her resources to education, employment, and health care become severely limited. Gaining the access to safe and legal abortions finally allowed a woman to have the basic right of controlling her own body. Prior to legal abortion, women had two options: to undergo an unsafe, illegal abortion that put their bodies at risk or to continue their pregnancy, even in situations that were disadvantageous to both the woman and the unborn fetus. Society has no right to control what happens toShow MoreRelatedAbortion Research Paper3429 Words  | 14 Pageshistory of abortion, the pro-life view of abortion and the pro-choice view of abortion. Under history of abortion the information included is the time line of significant events of abortion such as becoming legal, also different ways in ancient times women would try to use abortions. The upgrading of technology making abortion safer and even if abortion was illegal women would still find a way to abort a baby are also covered under the history of abortion. Under pro-life choice for abortion looks intoRead MoreOne Signifi cant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesPerspectives on the Past, edited by Susan Porter Benson, Stephen Brier, and Roy Rosenzweig Also in this series: Paula Hamilton and Linda Shopes, eds., Oral History and Public Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and Culture in Recent America Joanne Meyerowitz, ed., History and September 11th John McMillian
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of Donald Trump s Make America Great Again
Brittany Holt ENG 112 WA 13 Assignment: Presidential Essay Draft 3 9/21/15 Make America Great Again â€Å"Make America Great Again†, the strategy of Donald Trump. Wealthy, honest, bold, and powerful; a few words that can describe Trump. Can those be the words that describe our next President? Trump can be seen as a chauvinist pig and too honest for Americans. With the 2016 election coming up, America needs is honesty and to step away from the political correctness. Donald Trump stands firm on immigration laws, proposes a solid tax plans and is able to maintain budget controls. Our national immigration policy, a serious issue brought up by Donald Trump. Donald Trump sees this immigration policy as faulty and corrupt. The immigration†¦show more content†¦We have workers now competing for limited jobs that once were not limited to the hard working Americans because of the growth in immigrants. â€Å"The foreign-born population began to increase again after President Johnson sign the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965- 50 years ago this co ming Saturday. The law eliminated quotas and limits on how many immigrants would be allowed into the USA. The act established a system focused on accepting immigrants with family ties in the USA and those with certain work skills.†(Gomez) Trump has given a preview of what his immigration plan would look like if he were to win the election; he wants to deport all illegal immigrants in a humane way to where they would all be happy. When Trump was asked about his immigration plan in a â€Å"60 Minutes†Interview on how he would possibly deport over 11 million illegal immigrants he simply said â€Å"It’s called management†. Immigration is not an easy subject to tackle but with the right laws and enforcement we, as America, can turn that issue around over time. The Donald Trump Tax plan, probably his best idea in this debate, recreating tax brackets for the working class Americans. With the president we currently have, we have no middle class, you are either poor or rich. With the Donald Trump Tax Plan he says he would eliminate the income tax for millions of people, lower the tax rate on all businesses
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Iago Character Analysis free essay sample
One cannot have a successful story without a villain. A villain helps to create conflict and a plot between characters, this is what builds a successful story. In the play Othello by William Shakespeare, Iago is the ultimate villain. He will do whatever it takes to ruin Othello’s life. Without Iago, Othello would not be the tragedy it is today, but just an empty romance without any conflict. Some may believe that Iago is a victim because he was blinded by his emotions to think with his conscience. Iago was overlooked for the job as lieutenant and could of done just as good a job as Othello or better if he was given the chance. Iago is a villain because he tries to ruin Othello’s life in order to gain his power and control. In the play Othello, villains often oppose expressing their true emotions to the people surrounding them because they believe it to be a sign of weakness this causes Iago to go to the extreme to ruin Othello’s life. Iago has shown that he is indeed the ultimate villain because he combined his knowledge of a human’s emotional reactions (Othello’s) to certain situations, with his villainous nature to create a society in which he basically controlled the other characters’ actions. Iago’s villainous actions come from his deep resentment for Othello. Iago keeps his deep hatred for Othello so bottled up that it becomes an obsession and turns it into the ultimate revenge unto Othello. Iago states it loud and clear for the audience to see as he foreshadows his actions later in the play: â€Å"But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve/ For daws to peck at. I am not what I am†(I. i. 62-63). The feelings from Iago’s â€Å"heart†will be those of jealousy and hatred because these characteristics are not found in a hero nor a victim but only in a villain. As Iago’s feelings increase he comes up with a plan to destroy Othello, â€Å"Make the Moor thank me, love me, and reward me/ For making him egregiously an ass †(II. i. 305-306). Iago knows that if he can obtain Othello’s trust then he will be able to hurt and destroy him in any way necessary. Tricking someone into believing that they are being honest and true is one of the most terrible acts possible for it is messing with the persons trust and emotions. Since Iago has the trust of Othello he is ultimately able to control him. This will be Othello’s biggest weakness and Iago’s biggest strength: â€Å"The Moor is of a free and open nature,/ That thinks men honest that but seem to be so,/ And will as tenderly be led by the nose/ As asses are. †(I. iii. 93-96). Iago feeds Othello his lies in order to make him doubt not only himself, but Desdemona as well. Iago does these actions freely and willingly which makes him a villain. The villain within Iago takes over; it is then what drives his hatred for Othello. The villainous character of Iago is an extremely important concept for the play Othello, but within this villain is a master mind. Iago is no simple minded character, he is clever and cunning. He uses both of these characteristics to hatch his plan of destroying Othello: And by how much she strives to do him good, she shall undo her credit with the moor. So will I turn her virtue into pitch, and out of her own goodness make the net that shall enmesh them all†(II. iii. 336). Iago is so jealous of Othello that he plans to take everything from him. Iago plans to twist Othello’s beliefs into believing that Desdemona is cheating on him. As one can see, Iago is more than happy with not only ruining Othello’s life but ruining Desdemona’s as well, killing two birds with one stone! (Literally!! ) â€Å"The Moor – howbe’t that I endure him not- Is of a constant, loving noble nature, And I dare that he’ll prove to Desdemona a most dear husband. †(Iago, Act 2 scene 1, Line 287-290). Iago has no limits he’ll hurt Desdemona, Othello, Cassio, Brabantio, Roderigo, all of these characters may not have been the cause of Iago’s villainous nature, but they interacted with Iago enough to fall victim to him. Iago is a true villain from his head to his toes, he acts in such a way that his actions could not be characterized as anything else. In the play Othello, Iago comes forth as an apparently evil, vicious, and intelligent person who is creating havoc for reasons of seemingly pure villainy. However after examining the text, it can be stated that Iago is not a pure evil character, but was once honest and kind and still has honesty within him. Iago could also be characterized as a victim; he could not have held up a reputation for honesty his entire life if he was not truly honest at one time or another. By the time this play took place Iago had already changed is way of life from being honest to being evil because honesty was getting him nowhere: he did not get promoted to lieutenant, his status was completely reliable on Othello, and he was jealous of Othello and Cassio who were leading a better life than he. Iago is put through a lot and knows that he is worth more than he was given: â€Å"Off-capped to him, and by the faith of man, I know my price, I am worth no worse a place†(I. i. 10-11). But, Iago is also responsible for all the murders and crimes that occurred because the other characters in the play also have an evil lurking inside. The murders in the play would not have occurred if there was not a villainous side to every character in the play and therefore Iago cannot be blamed for all these murders and crimes but; he was the person that brought out the evil of others which makes him a villain because he provokes not only evil from himself but also from others. The evidence against Iago for being a villain is too overwhelming to even consider him being a victim. When villains do not know what to do, they look to the great and powerful Iago for guidance. Iago uses his â€Å"people†skills to gain Othello’s trust. Once he has Othello’s trust, Othello becomes a pawn in Iago’s chess game. Iago is able to mold Othello’s beliefs and feelings into what he wants. Iago chooses to keep his true feelings about Othello bottled up; because of this, Iago’s fire just keeps on burning brighter inside of him. Iago has shown that he is the ultimate villain because he uses his persuasion and knowledge to control human emotions, because of this Iago can do anything to Othello which is why he is the ultimate villain.
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